Turkey Hunting with a Crossbow

Turkey hunting with a crossbow is a fun challenge: a great transition from pursuing them with a shotgun and more forgiving than hunting them with a vertical bow. Using a Killer Instinct crossbow to tag a turkey ensures you have the superior gear for accuracy and dependability. But let’s explore a few particulars of using a crossbow when turkey hunting, to best set you up for success.

To start, ideally you want to call a tom within crossbow range, rather than try a spot-and-stalk hunt; turkeys have powerful vision and don’t miss movement. Utilize the volume of box calls and slates to capture the attention of birds in the distance and draw them close. Then switch to a hands-free operation, using a diaphragm call in your mouth to pull turkeys within shooting range or keep them still.

Also, strategically place hen decoys 10-15 yards in front of you to further attract toms and keep their attention diverted. If you desire a broadside shot, situate the hen decoy facing broadside to your shooting position; if you want a straight-on shot, place the decoy facing away. Toms will usually move in front of the decoys to make sure they are seen by the hen.

Equip your set-up with a stable shooting aid, such as a sturdy monopod or bipod, and then rely on the precision of a Killer Instinct crossbow to make your shot. Turkey hunting with a crossbow affords you great mobility, especially in comparison to vertical bows. With a crossbow that is bolted in place and cocked, the only movements you will need to make are turning off the safety and pulling the trigger.

Because crossbows shoot so fast, fixed broadheads are preferred over expandables. Bolts can move so swiftly through a tom and with so much kinetic energy that the expandable may not open. Additionally, it is helpful to be knowledgeable of turkey anatomy. They have small vitals in proportion to the outline of their feathered bodies, and their lungs are situated in the middle of the body between the wings. Well-placed shots to toms standing upright with feathers tucked in can sever their spines, dropping your bird on the spot.

Knowing turkey behavior and anatomy greatly increases your chances of tagging one. Keep your movement to a minimum, and with a Killer Instinct crossbow in your hands, you can be confident in your turkey hunting abilities. Enjoy the thrill and hunt smarter.

Adapted from Crossbow Magazine. Read more here.